`Everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ` Philippians 3.8
Posted by Peter Fry at 1:10 PM 0 comments
After finishing up all the de-brief & a re-entry weeks. I now have 2 weeks until the sunny Christmas arrives. So myself Ian & Jonny are planning to travel around the south Island. With only the bare essentials some camping gear, tent & stove and the odd penny in our pocket. Just wandering around reminising all the times past and figuring out all the things that have been learnt. So plenty of late night bon-fires & worships up the mountains & beaches around this amazing land. Jacob will also be joining us for the first week & he's bringing his beautiful 1977 Datsun.
I also have plenty to be thinking through during the next three months here in New Zealand. Whats next for me is still a big question mark but theres always going to be plenty of roads to go down. But as ive been praying through all the options and all the things which are on my heart there three areas which id love to persue. The three areas are Leadership, Ministry & the Word. They are just three areas which have been highlighted which will be parts of my future and what I really want to learn about and grow in.
With ministry I want to learn how people are doing it. I want to see how people are reaching the people around them. I want to see how people are been effective and how people are going out to the streets and telling the people around them about Jesus. I would love to find a ministry and ministries which I could fit into or even just join in and observe. I just want to learn how to set up ministries how people have failed and learned from their mistakes. So that in my future wherever I end up ill have this experience. So all that this will involve ill have to start looking because who knows where this will bring me in the world. So id love god to open some doors for me to experience this.
Another area id love to pursue is Leadership. Over the past six months ive realised how much I enjoy leading people. Its something ive been involved in over the past 8 years or so. Now im realising I enjoy it a lot. So how I would pursue this im not sure theres plenty options everywhere.
Then there is the Word. I cant see myself settling down for 3-4 years for Bible / Theology college. So another option is a Basic 3 month course. Its called a BCC Bible Core Course. This is a 3 month bible inductive study which you read the full bible and then also you study 16 books intensely. Theres a 9 month school in south Africa and also England but im mainly looking at the 3 month school. Theres one here in Oxford new Zealand but theres also a couple in Australian & across Europe which look interesting. This school would give me the chance to Learn how to study the word in context and inductively. So basically giving me the tools to study the bible which will be vital for whatever Pete ends up doing right. So thats another option then.
But ive got Christmas to get through and then onto Sojourn early January. Then onto Parachute which is a big Christian festival in new Zealand, & then onto City Lights which is a 4 day event organised by ywam Auckland to get together and do some evangelism in Auckland city. So that should be exciting. But then after that who knows we'll see all I know is im excited and I wanted to start seeing lives transformed. I want people's eyes to be opened, people set free and living in the truth with Hope.
Posted by Peter Fry at 3:04 AM 1 comments
Posted by Peter Fry at 6:31 PM 0 comments
The past 5 months ive got to know the 11 other guys ive lived with extremely well. I wish everyone could get to know these guy and I could explain all the things ive learnt from them and all the things ive experienced with them. But I cant so ill tell you a bit about each of them.
1st Jordan Lawrence this bloke was my bunk mate and he's 19 and from Canada. Hes a skater who loves worship & wants to be a youth worker and teach young peeps
2nd Jonny Fraiser this chap happens to be not to far from home, being a Scotsman and 18 years old so fits the profile for a lovely younger brother who I can bully and beat up from time to time. And being the older brother I always win and he always comes back for more. He's a great snowboarder, and he's a sweet evangelist very willing and obedient to see god move everywhere he goes. He also like haggis
3rd Ian Maraveli this guy was the first beautiful young man who I set my eyes on in Christchurch. We shared the airport trip on my first day. He has the same energy and enthusiasm of a 13 year old school girl & also me. Very funny bloke and always up for a great laugh. He's also from the US of A
4th Matt Hall ,aka Tree beard,is the oldest of the men being 23 years & Canadian so he keeps me sain and feeling not to old. He's a skier but still the “Narliest” on the snow so he gets all of our respect. Also ive seen him do a double back flip so thats not to bad. Loves his serious chats and digging into topics and into his prayer.
5th James Russell was a 18 year old kiwi kid from Christchurch. Now get this 2 months before dts he got cold induced anaphalaxsis. So basically if he gets cold he goes into shock and dies. But still he turns up to a snowboarding dts with a adrenaline needle on him at all times and ready to go. So that wasn't stopping him so basically what a legend and when he wants to do something he do it. So now with his hunger & passion for god hes a warrior in the making.
6th Sam wise the brave was the youngest of the crew only turning 18 before dts (USA). Now this man is some man for one man. Starting of with a full Mohawk & tight purple jeans and a straw hat this young man was always gonna be an interesting character. I got to chill with him the full 5 months and I wouldn't have it any other way. I had him for faith week, lecture phase & Outreach. Plenty of stees & Spiritual Pirate by night & leg end by day.
7th Kjel Erickson the kjel, aka he-man this man has ancient roots back to the Viking days & he's an ancient Greek god. He was the man who lead us to the throne room & with his voice he breaks you down. He's also built like a brick toilet and wrestles bears in his spare time
8th Jake Agnew a 22 year old kiwi boy was one of the biggest transformation stories of our dts. He came one man and exited and completely different man I've shared some amazing memories with this lad who'll be a friend for life. Including our first haka in the prayer room @ 2am one night after a night of prayer.
9th David Pages, 19 years old, was another one of our European chaps, coming from the white hills of Switzerland. Now this kid was just straight up nuts. Would always outdo anyone from snorting chilly sauce too flying off the highest kicker on the mountains. Hes was dedicated man of prayer as well and we shared many early morning prayers out on the rugby field in the centre of Oxford.
10th Jordan Hawkins is a 19 year old Canadian from Vancouver Island. Now this guy was a snowboarder he has all the lingo of a true snowboarder and taught me plenty of new words my vocabulary has doubled I reckon from him alone. He also had some beautiful red locks to remind me of my lovely home. I got to baptise this young man so I have a lovely soul tie with him
11th Andrew Wood, Srg Wood. A confused Kiwi, Aussie English, Irish, American. Woodie is a 20 year old US army military soldier. This guy was built like a brick toilet but with a heart of gold. One of the funniest chaps on the school too with always a smart comment to fire anyone's way. A Charm that would drop any girl including all the speakers even Georgina, Yes Maam
Posted by Peter Fry at 11:23 PM 0 comments
Posted by Peter Fry at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Oxford, New Zealand
On my DTS there was 16 students & 7 Staff. out of the students there was 12 guys who all lived together in one dorm room. Then 4 girls who all lived in a single room. Because we had a small DTS group and also we lived together we became very close and have made some solid relationships. there was 1 Swiss guy, 1 Scotsman, 2 kiwi boys, 3 yanks & 4 Canadians & then 1 paddy. then the girls were 2 Canadian, 1 kiwi & 1 Latvian.
We had 12 weeks of lectures. With 7 Speakers coming to speak to us. We had a lady called Georgina-bennet Williams speaking on the life of Jesus, A man called mark Parker speaking on Lordship & also a second week on relationships, A man called Phil Tait on Holy Spirit, Aaron Walsh for Character & Nature of God, Patrick Dodson on vision & calling, Steve Ahern on the Father Heart of God, Graham & Sabrina Walsh on Spiritual Warfare Deliverance & Healing. David Stevenson on Evangelism & youth culture. So we had a great range of speakers who knew these topics and helped to understand them better & also it gave us the chance to dedicate 1 week to really try and grasp these topics with each other. So we were all fighting through ideas and theology's together. All these weeks were really good for setting my foundations in what I believe and re-thinking & realising why I believe and live by the truths that I follow. So really grounding my foundation in truth.
Alot of the things that god was speaking to me throughout the Lecture phase were all highlighted on the first couple of weeks and then continued through this whole time. So both Georgina & mark had a huge influence on me. Both the topics of Lordship & Looking at the life of Jesus really got my heart going.
God Choosing me
One of the first Lessons which georgina really taught me was the fact that God choose me I didn't choose him. When she first said this too me I ignored it and disagreed because I was thinking if god choose me then where's the freewill and then why doesn't he just choose everyone. Then months later it came back to me and I started to think into it. What did she mean. I found scriptures showing that God does choose us but then we still have to believe and walk to him. So its still similar but it just levelled my feet and brought me down a couple of steps. Me thinking that im great and ive chosen God and im walking and living for him look at me where as actually he's God and he's got some plans for me. He's created me and he's got some ideas.
Transformation - Mindsets, Lordship
A very important thing which ive had to keep praying about was letting myself be transformed by god. One thing god was speaking to me was. Peter you've done a great job so far. Trying hard to be holy & righteous and obey Christ and walk with him. But whats next? Cause if you want to go any deeper and if you want to pursue god deeper & more intimately. If you want more your going to have let me (god) transform your mind and renew your thinking daily. as im writing this im realising it very difficult to write about.
Simon Peter
One of the first things that got highlighted was the character of Peter in the bible. It kept coming up everywhere. In the local baptist church in Oxford and during lectures and through words people were giving me. At first I wasn't having any of it cause it was prity obvious that my name happens to be peter I can understand the mix up. But during my personal devotions and all the time I felt god starting to highlight so many similarities, characteristics, and the things that mi like. So I started to explore it. And beginning to be open to god transforming me. The idea of giving yourself completely to the lord like what Luke talks about in Luke 14. So the idea of letting god change me and use me to reach people. Transforming my mind so that he could use me, so that I could become more and more obedient, more willing to be devoted to the king each day. So that was tough giving things over again to the lord. My reputation, my future, my securities. These are all things which I had given to the lord many times before but to do it again it was so much more sincere and a lot more painful but freeing.
Pleasure Vrs Consequences
Another important principle which im gona keep was from one of our speakers called Aaron Walsh. This was the fact that the consequences of sinning and fighting against sin by what will happen if you sin, this just isn't enough to combat sin. Like a man cheating on his wife knows what will happen if he gets caught his kids will hold such a bitterness ex. But the consequences just aint enough. Or a Priest molesting children. Consequences just wount work and arent a sustainable way of fighting Satan. But the amount of pleasure we get out of god is the best way to stand against the enemy. By the amount of pleasure you get out of Christ being greater than the pleasure of sin. If Christ is your greatest source of pleasure or happiness then sin wount have such a hold over your life. So its been making me think how dependant I am on Christ and how he is my source for everything.
Four weeks into DTS I was asked to Co-lead an outreach team. So my mind was starting to change on investing into the lads who were around me and who I was going to be asked to lead for 2 months in Indonesia. I loved the opportunity to step up and take more responsibility but it was tough with the preparation of outreach & other bits in planning my time and leaving some of the freedoms of being a student. But still God was faithful and has taught me many things through this and also showed me some great ways of being a leader and how to lead people and how not to lead people.
This 12 weeks was a great time of just intense learning and such a graceful environment to learn and dig deep with god. It was full of many hilarious moments which ill never forget and will always crack me up. There no point going through them. From amazing scavenger hunts, many Raves, Many Fancy dresses from emo day to prepy day, the odd skinny dip/slide/puddle jumping, plenty of snowboarding, late night Disney sleepovers, and plenty of practical jokes.
Posted by Peter Fry at 11:13 PM 0 comments
Its Dec 08 and the past 5 months has been a journey that I will always remember and which I have learnt loads of lessons and things which I've been trying to learn for so long. The things the lord has been highlighting to me and teaching me and developing me in are so different to what I expected. But at the same time It has been hugely beneficial and the perfect time for me. It has brought me to a new place with new direction and has highlighted things that have been built into my character and personality over the past 10 years or so. I'm so excited to see how im going to use all ive learnt over these next couple of years. Ive met some extremely interesting people who are just amazing, so enthusiastic, energetic devoted & fearless and being snowboarders they are just bonkers and being around these people has inspired me and pushed me deeper.
Ive been on a DTS with YWAM. DTS is a Discipleship Training School. Which is a 5-7 month training coarse. Teaching people all the ways of becoming a disciple a devoting themselves completely to Christ. Everything from living with people to how to speak to people about Jesus to learning many truths about Jesus and the Holy word.
Posted by Peter Fry at 11:11 PM 0 comments