We went off to outreach To Jakarta the capital city of Indonesia. Indonesia is the highest populated Islam country in the world. We went with Mega-cities Perth. We split our Dts school into 3 different teams. One team of 6 going to the east of the city, One team of 7 going to the north of the city and then I was going to the center of the city with a team of 7.

We worked in a few different areas in the central of Jakarta with the local team that had formed during mega cities, they all took us out and showed us the places that we went and also did the translating for us. So this was one group that we did a bit of ministry with also.
For the core of what we did we worked with prostitutes, transsexuals and gay Prostitutes , we also went to a park most Mondays at night and did worship with the local team, also in the beginning we were able to go and work in and with people in a slum. The other thing that we did was we got really involved with a church and their youth group. They were really great and we took them out to ministry with us!

Also on Mondays we as a team felt that we have a day aside for prayer and fasting. So as a team we would fast and pray during the whole day. We took 2-3 hrs of the day to pray as a group and the other hrs we had one person praying during that hr. we covered 9-11 hrs of prayer on those days. I felt as though this was a really good time for people to draw near to the Lord, to really have that time to fill themselves up for the week and to pray into what the lord might have for us.So we could be ready to give out not of ourselves but of all that the lord was showing and speaking through us.

The cinema is an area where a lot of Male/gay and female prostitutes go to find business. They go to the cinema to use the theaters as their 'hotel rooms'.
They go there because it is cheaper to go into a theater than into a hotel room. The owner know what goes on , it is quite a dark area but we have seen a lot of change spiritually by just bring Christs light there and telling them about Jesus.
In general we tried to make it to the Cinema twice a week , but usually at least once. In going this often we became familiar faces and through that more trusted with the friends we made.;
Most often we would pray as a team at the apartment before we left , but then we started to pray at the cinema with all the locals that came too. We would disperse within the area , with someone to translate and we would start talking to people.
Asking someone if they want prayer was key. So many want it, we just have to remember to tell them that we are going to pray in the name of Jesus.
We saw a few healings while we were there, which was cool. People began to come up to us when we arrived and asked for prayer because they knew why we were there. That was Exciting.
This was a different ministry to above. We would go to the Prostitutes and transsexuals on Sat nights. We met at Sourapati park( See Below) and had a short worship and prayer time. We then went to the area along the river near the train tracks about a 10min walk to where the prostitutes were.We would go there from about 8 30, 9ish until late. Sometimes being 10 30 sometimes midnight ish or later!!
We would literally say hi to people and start talking to them( with translators ) . They were quite open especially if males were with us...... If a team of mostly females wants to go here , try and get male translators.... just don't be discouraged if they don't really want to talk to you, remember why they are there and pray for them! There are a lot of males around though that we could talk to also.
The area is a place that needs to be broken through. A lot of them are there because they have No other way to make money. No qualifications ect. Hope is what they need.
Sourapati Park is a park where a lot of musicians go and play music, and a lot of people just go there to hang out.
We went there on Monday evenings and had a worship session then went and talked and hung out with the people around.
Again people were very open, wanting to hear and again there were salivations that we saw in the park.
They are there every day practising, giving free lessons on violin ect.
Also most of the people there live in the streets, without homes. They are all really great though and a lot of fun to be there and to get to know.
This is a slum near by where we lived. We went there a few times during the first couple of weeks. Here we talked at a woman's cell group/church gathering for about 10-20 christian women in the slum.
We were also able to teach English at someones home that they had opened up so that the children could come and learn English, to give them a hope and future, without English for a lot of them if they don't have any way of getting a degree then they wouldn't really have any hope of getting a good job. With English it gives them a little bit more of a chance to get a better job when they are older.
There were many opportunities here but as a group we felt more to focus on the Prostitutes and Transsexuals.
Overall a lot of what we did was straight up going and talking , evangelising to people.

The cinema is an area where a lot of Male/gay and female prostitutes go to find business. They go to the cinema to use the theaters as their 'hotel rooms'.
They go there because it is cheaper to go into a theater than into a hotel room. The owner know what goes on , it is quite a dark area but we have seen a lot of change spiritually by just bring Christs light there and telling them about Jesus.
In general we tried to make it to the Cinema twice a week , but usually at least once. In going this often we became familiar faces and through that more trusted with the friends we made.;
Most often we would pray as a team at the apartment before we left , but then we started to pray at the cinema with all the locals that came too. We would disperse within the area , with someone to translate and we would start talking to people.
Asking someone if they want prayer was key. So many want it, we just have to remember to tell them that we are going to pray in the name of Jesus.
We saw a few healings while we were there, which was cool. People began to come up to us when we arrived and asked for prayer because they knew why we were there. That was Exciting.

This was a different ministry to above. We would go to the Prostitutes and transsexuals on Sat nights. We met at Sourapati park( See Below) and had a short worship and prayer time. We then went to the area along the river near the train tracks about a 10min walk to where the prostitutes were.We would go there from about 8 30, 9ish until late. Sometimes being 10 30 sometimes midnight ish or later!!
We would literally say hi to people and start talking to them( with translators ) . They were quite open especially if males were with us...... If a team of mostly females wants to go here , try and get male translators.... just don't be discouraged if they don't really want to talk to you, remember why they are there and pray for them! There are a lot of males around though that we could talk to also.
The area is a place that needs to be broken through. A lot of them are there because they have No other way to make money. No qualifications ect. Hope is what they need.
Sourapati Park is a park where a lot of musicians go and play music, and a lot of people just go there to hang out.
We went there on Monday evenings and had a worship session then went and talked and hung out with the people around.
Again people were very open, wanting to hear and again there were salivations that we saw in the park.
They are there every day practising, giving free lessons on violin ect.
Also most of the people there live in the streets, without homes. They are all really great though and a lot of fun to be there and to get to know.

This is a slum near by where we lived. We went there a few times during the first couple of weeks. Here we talked at a woman's cell group/church gathering for about 10-20 christian women in the slum.
We were also able to teach English at someones home that they had opened up so that the children could come and learn English, to give them a hope and future, without English for a lot of them if they don't have any way of getting a degree then they wouldn't really have any hope of getting a good job. With English it gives them a little bit more of a chance to get a better job when they are older.
There were many opportunities here but as a group we felt more to focus on the Prostitutes and Transsexuals.
Overall a lot of what we did was straight up going and talking , evangelising to people.

On Outreach I learnt a whole load of things. I had such an amazing experience. Living with 6 other people all together in 1 city for 8 weeks with intentions of telling, showing the people jesus. Working alongside the local church to go out into the streets and tell people about the hope I have been given. It was amazing having the chance with 6 others to just go for it. Give it are all and do what we were called there todo. Having that opportunity was a blessing and just one of the most incrediable experiences which I would never change. Especially with the 6 other people who I was able to experience this with.
God was showing me may things aswell personally which I thought was just bad timing and planning but still I was more than happy to proceed.
Ive tried many time's in my life to learn about grace. Ive tried reading books like “Whats so amazing about grace” & “The grace awakening” but I never made it past a chapter or two. But I wasnt to worried cause I knew it would come id learn about it someday. But it happened it all began to come together and it was beautiful. Things just started to come together. Id be spending time with god out on our balcony or anywhere. But anytime I stopped to talk to god or pray it would just happen. There would be this excitement of coming to god and speaking with him. But so much more than usual for a week or two.
And it all rooted from what the first speaker said to me “ Peter, God choose you you didnt choose him”. Now when she said this it didnt registar with me becuause I was thinking through the whole freewill thing. But throughout the months after all these verses get popping out at me john15v16, 1 Corinthians 1 v 26-27, Ephesians 2v8-9 + 2v5. God was saying to me Peter I choose you. I have choosen you, yes you have decided to believe and to walk with me but I have choosen you. And after this it started leading into the grace of this and how he wants me. How he has plans for me ideas of how he can use me. This terrifies me and excites me about what god is thinking when he thinks of Peter. But what really got to me and what started the revelations of Grace. Was three words I read from a book written by Brother Lawrance called “practicing the presence of god” which he somehow started talking about the Position of God.
Now this got me. The position of God. I started to think about how God is God. And what a God is and how powerfull and wonderfull a God is. But Thee God. So as my times with God became just fansinated about this exploring this linking it back to how he has choosen me it again just blew my mind. So I began to start to feel very small, very insignifcant and the fear of god began. So during all this I was realising how big god was and how small I was and through this how much grace that was upon me. Feeling how much god loves you and how he has choosen you, picked you to be close to him and then realising its not because of anything I have done but its just because he loves me and because he's god. So taking the fact of who I am and who I have become and removing me, removing the matter of the holiness or the rightiousness or how good a person is or isnt and getting to the root of the relationship. Through this god began to show me how his grace is upon us and really feeling his love.
Then realising how its through his grace that we work. We really have not much to offer people, how we cannot change their ways of thinkng or show them who God is. Its all throguh his grace and his spirit living in us that people are transformed its us beign a vessel and letting god do his thing through us. And I really needed to learn this and grasp this.
Light of the World
2nd Corinthians 4v6-7 was such an important part of the past 2 months for me. Knowing that I am like a thin clay jar and inside God has placed the light that pierces darkness the light that was seen in the face of Jesus Christ. The light that needs to shine from the top of a hill the light that this world needs to see. And he's trusted it to me given it to me and asked me to peach to the world to show the world to speak to the world. To bring hope to the world. And if I dont well them what am I good for? If I dont do this if we dont do this them what are we good for. My question I was asking myself and things that having been in my mind are, Is there anything treasures in heaven for the presence of god? Any treasue for living closely with god ex ex. No for me God just wants me to show the world, show and tell everyone I come in contact with. And thats all I want. All I want to do all I want is to be used by the father for his glory and if I cant or if im not I just wanna go home go to be with the father in eternal glory.
Living a life of Faith
Living by faith is another thing that god highlighted to me towards the later part of this season. Faith in god in his existance in the life as a christian in the reality of is there a god or not. Is believing in something we cannot see or having confidence is something we cannot see. And I really feel that the existance in god is not so much faith anymore as it is reality for me. So this has began to stir whether or not my faith is being challenged. Daily / weekly / yearly is my hunger for stepping out into the unkown being challenged that elimant of risk and depenancy. That need for God to be there for me to carry me. And im finding without that faith there is an ellimant that every relationship needs. Its trust, my trust in god needs to be challenged more. I need to be stepping out into the unkown and allowing my relationship with God to be dependant and in need of god to be there and not my own ability all the time
God was showing me may things aswell personally which I thought was just bad timing and planning but still I was more than happy to proceed.
Ive tried many time's in my life to learn about grace. Ive tried reading books like “Whats so amazing about grace” & “The grace awakening” but I never made it past a chapter or two. But I wasnt to worried cause I knew it would come id learn about it someday. But it happened it all began to come together and it was beautiful. Things just started to come together. Id be spending time with god out on our balcony or anywhere. But anytime I stopped to talk to god or pray it would just happen. There would be this excitement of coming to god and speaking with him. But so much more than usual for a week or two.
And it all rooted from what the first speaker said to me “ Peter, God choose you you didnt choose him”. Now when she said this it didnt registar with me becuause I was thinking through the whole freewill thing. But throughout the months after all these verses get popping out at me john15v16, 1 Corinthians 1 v 26-27, Ephesians 2v8-9 + 2v5. God was saying to me Peter I choose you. I have choosen you, yes you have decided to believe and to walk with me but I have choosen you. And after this it started leading into the grace of this and how he wants me. How he has plans for me ideas of how he can use me. This terrifies me and excites me about what god is thinking when he thinks of Peter. But what really got to me and what started the revelations of Grace. Was three words I read from a book written by Brother Lawrance called “practicing the presence of god” which he somehow started talking about the Position of God.
Now this got me. The position of God. I started to think about how God is God. And what a God is and how powerfull and wonderfull a God is. But Thee God. So as my times with God became just fansinated about this exploring this linking it back to how he has choosen me it again just blew my mind. So I began to start to feel very small, very insignifcant and the fear of god began. So during all this I was realising how big god was and how small I was and through this how much grace that was upon me. Feeling how much god loves you and how he has choosen you, picked you to be close to him and then realising its not because of anything I have done but its just because he loves me and because he's god. So taking the fact of who I am and who I have become and removing me, removing the matter of the holiness or the rightiousness or how good a person is or isnt and getting to the root of the relationship. Through this god began to show me how his grace is upon us and really feeling his love.

Light of the World
2nd Corinthians 4v6-7 was such an important part of the past 2 months for me. Knowing that I am like a thin clay jar and inside God has placed the light that pierces darkness the light that was seen in the face of Jesus Christ. The light that needs to shine from the top of a hill the light that this world needs to see. And he's trusted it to me given it to me and asked me to peach to the world to show the world to speak to the world. To bring hope to the world. And if I dont well them what am I good for? If I dont do this if we dont do this them what are we good for. My question I was asking myself and things that having been in my mind are, Is there anything treasures in heaven for the presence of god? Any treasue for living closely with god ex ex. No for me God just wants me to show the world, show and tell everyone I come in contact with. And thats all I want. All I want to do all I want is to be used by the father for his glory and if I cant or if im not I just wanna go home go to be with the father in eternal glory.
Living a life of Faith
Living by faith is another thing that god highlighted to me towards the later part of this season. Faith in god in his existance in the life as a christian in the reality of is there a god or not. Is believing in something we cannot see or having confidence is something we cannot see. And I really feel that the existance in god is not so much faith anymore as it is reality for me. So this has began to stir whether or not my faith is being challenged. Daily / weekly / yearly is my hunger for stepping out into the unkown being challenged that elimant of risk and depenancy. That need for God to be there for me to carry me. And im finding without that faith there is an ellimant that every relationship needs. Its trust, my trust in god needs to be challenged more. I need to be stepping out into the unkown and allowing my relationship with God to be dependant and in need of god to be there and not my own ability all the time

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