Happy birthday to me. Myself, Matt, Julia, Ben & james spent my birthday on the sunny West Coast at the Wild foods festival 2009. So basically lots of people dressed up and eating prity much anything and everything.
We got round to eating
- Live HUHU Grubs
- Mountain Oysters ( Lambs Testicles)
- Cow Feet, Cow Tripe. Cow Intestines, Cow Tongue, Cows Udder aka Nipple
- Haggis
- Black Puddings
- Eel
- Crocodile
- Kangaroo
- Lambs Tail
- moonshine
- Kava
- Crickets

Then after the festival we went back to the campsite and went caving in this old Gold mine. Then after realizing James feet had not puffed up when being in freezing water we then ran down to the river to celebrate this progression of his Healing with a long awaited Skinny dip. James had got a life threatening disease called cold educed anaphylaxis. This means if James gets cold he goes into anaphylactic shock and can die. The whole way though our DTS we were all praying for him waiting for his healing. So praise God that James got further towards his healing and he went wake-boarding for the first time in new zealand in over a year the next day. So this obviously made my birthday being the best news ever. Praise God that James got to go wakeboarding again and got a skinny dip in aswell. He is still on the road to being healed but this encouragement has increased some more faith and encouraged us all.

Then i went down south towards Fox Glazier. This is where ill be working for the next 3 months building a Cow Shed with a family who picked me up hitch hiking 3 months ago back in December. Jonny is working here aswell. I got to sleep in my bedroom which will be my first bedroom in 11 months. Now this is like the best thing ever. You really do miss your bedroom or a bed. or a cupboard all those kinda things man i cant wait to stay in one bed for more than 4 days. But that was only a quick stop in to see what the plan was. Now off to Queenstown. Clare & JP here i come.
gosh.... i'm so stoked he was healed!
Praise to our Father. may His unfailing love change our lives and those across the nations!
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