Monday, February 9, 2009

City Lights 2009

OK so city lights is a three day ministry in Auckland City. What happens is various groups of people and churches get together to come out and worship, pray & then go out and bless the city and people of Auckland. They do this by arranging various different projects throughout the city.

These projects can be a group of people turning up to someones home, through a connection with a social worker, and with a group of people blessing this person by cleaning the house, weeding the garden, doing the cleaning cooking up a meal and doing all sorts of jobs to try bless this person. Another project was a group of people would go to a building in central Auckland city and they were demolishing the inside internal walls. This buildings will be used by 24/7 prayer in New Zealand. Another event was a fun day in a local baptist church in Mangree, South Auckland. I was but in charge of this event so that was obviously a great laugh.

What we did for this project was we went door to door with various groups of people to hand out flyer's and to tell people about the event and also about the baptist church and some of the programs that it is running. Now South Auckland isn't exactly Fox rock and has quite a bad reputations this is where the majority of the gangs are from and there is allot of domestic violence & drug abuse plenty of other things that every city is dealing with. So that was something else to experience going around door to door walking into peoples houses in south Auckland by myself inviting people to church.

The next thing was the Saturday itself the managree community day and what we did here, was we got a bouncy castle, water slide, face paints, candyfloss machines, dj and then to top it off a sausage sizzle.Now that was the real seller. In New Zealand if you tell anyone your giving away free sausages they will actually stop walking and listen so it was a great seller. The day went brilliantly with probably 700-1000 people turning up.

City lights was a great experience and im so glad i did it.I made some great friends down in Mangaree in the local church and also with various other church groups around Auckland. I got huge heart for south Auckland and could really feel the needs down there. So I'm looking forward to hooking up with a load of different people from this and joining in with there ministries.

So now its time to say goodbye to Jonny & Ian, and to get started on this next journey which God is bringing me on while they head south and onto Aussie. I'm going into the center of Auckland for a couple of days before heading east to Tauranga again.ill be spending the next 40 days praying, fasting, worshiping and reading and just getting close to my father. Its going to be tough but also amazing. I'M really excited for it but also a tad apprehensive but here goes anyway.