Saturday, July 11, 2009

Aussie East Coast

Next stop on the cards was a brief spell in Brisbane with Mark & Wes and there lovely lady friends. I was flying to Auckland via brisbane so I reckoned a 4 day stop was a good option after all it had been a good 15 months since our morocco trip so brisbane was a must.
We spent the 4 nights in there savage pad out the back of some dudes house. Its was a mini house/ apartment inclosed in the Australian bush kind of anyway. Enough to get me on the look out for some killer spiders & snakes. Which I found. On the last day we did some work for the guy who owns the main house who Mark & Wes are renting off and we were moving Wood from underneath the flat. Not exactly an ideal job shifting wood in the middle of trees under a house, seriously scary stuff and Myself & Mark weren't exactly the best at pretending that we weren't scared there was no hiding it we were petrified. But we made $70 so it was enough to come away from brisbane with a profit so that was a great bonus for risking my life looking for red back spiders.
There was plenty of action in aussie with even a game of monopoly which I happily turned Mark & emily against eachother and then got wes onto my side to turn everyone against eachother and then all on my team so I cleaned up with lovely hotels all round.
Myself and Wes made our way out to visit the Brisbane Ywam Base aswell. This has been the home of a few friends over the past couple of years so I reckoned I should pop in and see the place and all that jazz
Myself, Emily & Clare got to play in the water downtown at bayside with all sorts of fun and my cloths were still wet on the plane 6 hours later so that wasn't the best idea I guess.
And last but not least we had the wonderful escort of Wendy a 13 tone Yellow tank to drive around in. Arriving off the plane to be greeted by this wonderful piece of work.